Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thanks, SDMI, for a Great Day!

I preached and conducted a Church/Pastor Review in Cleveland last Sunday. It was a great day with a very positive review. Interestingly, several people came up to me while I was there to tell me how wonderful the Leadership Training Day was on Saturday. They commented on the speakers and how they had been challenged and helped. How thankful I am for SDMI leadership that takes seriously resourcing and developing our pastors and lay leaders. 

Join God in What He is Doing!

In the final minutes of Kim Smith’s last presentation on Saturday at the Leadership Training, He reminded us that God wants to do a new thing and challenged us to join Him in what He is doing. How can that happen? Kim said:

1. You must be willing to become a servant.
2. You must be willing to stop making it difficult for people to sit around the table.
3. You must be willing to find a way to help broken people win.
4. You must be flexible and willing to put people before preferences.

God is beginning to do a new thing in NEO! Let’s join in!

NEO NYI Mission Trip 

August 4-12, 41 people from 4 different churches across NEO went to the Bronx, NY on a mission trip.  The trip was transformational for those who went as they engaged relational ministry, evangelism, compassion, work and witness, and partnered with ministries outside the normal comfort zone.  Some of the details include:

 - Two of the 41 have suggested they were called to ministry during the trip.

 - Faith was emboldened.

 - People were invited to share the gospel, pray with and for strangers, create relationships with others in urban ministry context, be challenged multi-cultrally and more.

 - Students had outdoor worship and faith sharing via the human microphone in the subway and even in Times Square.  

 - They ran a festival and ministry fair that saw over 6,000 people attend and were relationally engaged in praying over attendees.

 - Helped facilitate a 'rap fest' for Christian hip hop artist.

 - Gave away over 2,000 books and Bibles to families, 
and much more.

God is using our students to impact places they go - and God is impacting and transforming our students as they answer the call.

Frontline Ministries Approved as Ten Percent Missions Special

God gave Andre Harris the vision for Frontline Ministries when he was in prison. It started as a street ministry, providing food, bibles, etc. that Regency Park CON embraced. The ministry is now ready to establish office headquarters to help with classes and training, helping those on the street integrate back into society and walk with Christ. The District Advisory Board enthusiastically approved Frontline as an urban/compassionate ministry.

Andre & Sheila Harris
Frontline Ministries

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