Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dear NEO family,

WHAT A GREAT TEAM WE HAVE IN NEO! Skeptical? Let me give just a few examples from this week:

1.  Youth Camp was “Seriously Ridiculous”! I was at camp for portions of Sunday and Monday and was seriously impressed with the camp. It kept kids involved with great activities and had weighty spiritual impact – thanks Anthem and K.P. Westmoreland. One sponsor told me they had never seen God move at a youth camp like He did at this camp. Youth pastors told me of a number of their kids praying to be saved and sanctified! PTL!

I loved Allison Joy Woolery’s  post on Facebook regarding camp (Allison was there as a worker this year!):

The past 7 days I learned a few things about helping run youth camp. If you don't have a sunburn and no voice, you're doing it wrong. If you don't cry with someone at least once, you weren't paying attention. And if you don't leave and have to pull over for a 10 minute nap, you probably didn't do anything all week. 

To sum up Camp Seriously Ridiculous...

10 cups of coffee a day 
9 hideous but awesome bruises
8 life-changing services 
7 people from my home church that bonded like no other 
6 nights of no sleep 
5 hours a day spent editing video 
4 awesome dress-up nights
3 days of no voice
2 awesome Chaco tans 

Hats off to directors Todd Barker and Dustin Wine and to all the outstanding counselors and workers. What a treat to see Lead Pastor Steven Lester helping at camp along with a host of youth pastors and great NEO lay leaders. Kudos to NEO teens – there are none better! And thank you for praying, supporting camp through your gifts to the District and by sending your teens.

2.  Pastor Ken Pell of Broken Arrow sent the following note to the church board secretary at Wagoner Cornerstone Community:I am connecting with you to let you know that we, the BA Church, would like to help your congregation with Levi and Becca’s move-in. We would like to volunteer to help you move their belongings into their home and in any other manner you would recommend.

I love the way we come alongside one another! We are better together!

3.  We provide great leadership training for our workers! Steven Lester and our SDMI Board are planning a great Leadership Training Day on Saturday, August 16. Our speaker is a familiar name to NEO.  M Kim Smith has been a successful pastor and a highly motivated speaker and practitioner of creating an environment for church health and growth.  He currently serves as the DS of the Iowa District.

In addition to the keynote messages, Ryan and Beckie are offering tracks for youth and children’s workers.  Adult workers will have David Nash in the morning, bringing material from NPH,  and John Comstock with Discipleship Place in the afternoon.

The day will begin at 9 am and conclude at 3 pm.  You will be receiving a schedule and promotional material soon.  SDMI is offering this event FREE of charge and including lunch and snacks!

This is an important time to inspire and reward our SS teachers and workers.  This conference can help our churches launch a great fall Sunday School emphasis!

Summer has other exciting opportunities:

·       PALCON is next week at SNU for all Pastors.
·       Kidz Kamp is July 18 – 21 at Sky Ranch at Cave Springs.
·       NEO Ministers and Mates Team Retreat is Aug. 22 – 24.



NEO Kidz Kamp

July 18-21
We will be returning to Cave Springs.  Our speakers will be Linda and George Crummer (we loved them last year and by popular demand they will be back).  Our theme is “Walking in His Footsteps”.  Make plans now, begin your fundraising and send the children of your church to a long weekend they will never forget.  Early-bird registration by July 1: only $190.
All forms are now on our website!

I hope you are able to attend the upcoming PALCON (Pastor's and Leader's Conference). This is a time to gather with other ministers and be encouraged, equipped and enriched. You'll enjoy the sessions with Tom Noble (outstanding Wesleyan/Nazarene Theologian.... "Holy God~Holy People"). Gabriel Saguerra will press us forward in our thinking; Carla Sundberg will deliver clear direction; they will join our gracious General Superintendent, Eugenio Duarte in leading our worship times. Workshops, late night entertainment, free time...a great time! Do you need some scholarship funds to offset the cost? Our funds are limited but we are committed to help if we can.     

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