Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dear NEO family,

I am excited about this weekend and the chance we have to gather as a District for inspiration, exhortation and the business of the District. Gloria and I feel so blessed to be on the NEO team with YOU. Our District Leaders have been working hard preparing for the gatherings and are committed to use your time well, but we need to spend time together as a TEAM to hear from our leadership and to celebrate our victories.

Here is the schedule:

· It all begins with the Missions Convention on Saturday morning, May 31 at 9am (registration opens at 8:30). Rev. Brian Utter will be our speaker. Our NMI Council will help prepare your missions leadership team for a great year focused on the mission of God throughout the world.

·  Our second gathering, the opening service of District Assembly, is on Sunday, June 1, 5pm. (Registration opens 4pm.) We will spend the first 30 minutes celebrating God’s work in our District this past year, focusing on Missional Church Awards. We have a lot to celebrate! Please be present so we can honor you for your partnership in the missional awards. The next hour will focus on the call of God on our brothers who are getting their first license...and those who are being ordained – Joel Heid and Beckie Richburg. We will also honor our beloved Claude and Betty Guy as they retire from full time vocational ministry. Our General Superintendent, Dr. Eugenio Duarte, will speak and ordain. Don’t miss this special time as a District family and join us for the reception after the service.

·  Assembly will continue on Monday beginning at 8:30 am (registration opens 8am). I am pumped to share my report and hear from our pastors. For the verbal part of our Pastors’ reports, I will have all Pastors (and spouses) come up by Zone. I plan to go to each pastor and ask a question relating to mission and impact. Then, each zone will close its time with Zone Coach praying for the zone pastors and churches. I believe you will find this very meaningful. We will also hear from Dr. Loren Gresham, President of our university, Southern Nazarene University. Bill Weisman, Director of New Start Development for the denomination, will challenge us, and we will have reports from denominational ministries and schools. It is going to be a great day!

NEO Youth Camp

Register now at for early-bird rates!

NEO Kidz Kamp

July 18-21
We will be returning to Cave Springs.  Our speakers will be Linda and George Crummer (we loved them last year and by popular demand they will be back).  Our theme is “Walking in His Footsteps”.  Make plans now, begin your fundraising and send the children of your church to a long weekend they will never forget.  Early-bird registration by July 1: only $190.
All forms are now on our website!

I hope you are able to attend the upcoming PALCON (Pastor's and Leader's Conference). This is a time to gather with other ministers and be encouraged, equipped and enriched. You'll enjoy the sessions with Tom Noble (outstanding Wesleyan/Nazarene Theologian.... "Holy God~Holy People"). Gabriel Saguerra will press us forward in our thinking; Carla Sundberg will deliver clear direction; they will join our gracious General Superintendent, Eugenio Duarte in leading our worship times. Workshops, late night entertainment, free time...a great time! Do you need some scholarship funds to offset the cost? Our funds are limited but we are committed to help if we can.     

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