Thursday, November 7, 2013

Giving Thanks and Thanks Giving

By David A. Busic, General Superintendent

It has been said that Thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings. I do not disagree with that sentiment. We all have so much for which to be thankful. The essence of God is love, and God’s bountiful love is a continual source of undeserved and bountiful blessing. Thanksgiving begins with thanks.

Even so, I am also reminded of what W. T. Purkiser once said: “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” The Apostle Paul seems to have acknowledged the truth of this when he wrote, “God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV). Thanksgiving is about being grateful for our blessings—and then blessing others through them.

This is also why Christians say that giving is an act of worship. Stewardship is not just a way for the church to pay the bills. It is a way for us to express our gratitude to God and to confess that “All that I have comes from God, and by faith I trust that God will continue to provide as I become a channel of His blessings to those around me.”

The Thanksgiving prayer of an unknown Christian has always moved me:

“I do not thank Thee, Lord, that I have bread to eat while others starve; nor yet for work to do while empty hands solicit heaven; nor for a body strong while other bodies flatten beds of pain. No, not for these do I give thanks; but I am grateful, Lord, because my meager loaf I may divide; for that my busy hands may move to meet another’s need; because my doubled strength I may expend to steady one who faints. Yes, for all these do I give thanks! For heart to share, desire to bear, and will to live, flamed into one by deathless love—thanks be to God for this! Unspeakable! His Gift!”         

Thanksgiving is first thanks, then giving. Let us use our blessings to be a blessing!

NEO District Thanksgiving Service
November 24, 5pm

The District Thanksgiving Service will be on Sunday, November 24, 5pm, modeled after Bresee’s “Love Feast”.  This is going to be so much fun! Our Hispanic and English speaking congregations will be united for a wonderful service of worship, testimonies and the Lord’s Supper. An optional time of fellowship and food will be held at the conclusion of the service. Watch for more details.

Interested in Nazarene Missions?

Come find out about the many opportunities to serve overseas through the Church of the Nazarene!  The Mobilization Office of Global Mission will be conducting a Cross-Cultural Orientation at Southern Nazarene University on November 15-17, 2013.  Cross-Cultural Orientation (CCO) events are designed to assess, train, and orient those who are interested in cross-cultural ministry in and through the Church of the Nazarene. This event is required for anyone interested in serving for 90 days or longer, but we encourage anyone to attend.  To learn more, and register online visit and click on the Cross-Cultural Orientation tab.  For questions, call 913-577-2963.

NEO October Statistics

Attendance for October

                                                            2012-13          2013-14
            SDMI                            2,896               2,688
            Morning Worship         3,599               3,541

I Want to Celebrate. . . 

Bill Hilton, Tulsa Living Hope. . . I am encouraging the church to pray and seek the Lord's guidance regarding the open door He has prepared for us to walk through. I'm not yet positive where that door leads or what is beyond it. However, I am confident that if HE has opened it then it must be good.

David Stevens, Vinita. . . Vinita Nazarene is a great place to worship! Our people care about their Church and about each other. We had an older gentleman testify that he just got saved. Our ministerial students are doing well in their studies and in their work for the Church.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life. . . New baptisms and members received into membership!  We continue to experience weekly "collisions" of God's mighty Presence!  He always comes out the winner in those!  We leave feeling wrecked and undone by the presence!  We took 11 individuals from our church to the National Awakening Prayer Conference ("Encounter"!) in Dallas.  I praise God for the refilling of His Spirit in our people who attended!  I can't wait to see how this is going to affect our church!  There is so much work left for Him to do!

Tim Odom, Collinsville. . . On October 5th & 6th we had our 90th Celebration/Homecoming. We had a hayride on the 5th and a great service and time together with Pastor Tommy Loving and Pastor Wayne Thomas and other pastors. We had youth pastors, Jim Winfrey and Kevin Williams, also other members who have made such an impact on our church. We had a lot of sharing and reminiscing. A reminder of the call and challenge for our church to do our best for Christ, because He has done His best for us.

Cole Weston, Okmulgee. . . Fearless Marriage class is about to wrap up next month. Participation could be better, but those who have come have learned a lot.

Scottie Behm, Chelsea. . .
  • Our congregation -- they surprised me with a wonderful pastor appreciation dinner. It was a lot of fun, with great food.
  • We celebrate and honor with great gratitude a large financial gift from the estates of long-term members, Fred and Joan Hemphill.
  • That we are seeing God at work, answering prayer. We praise Him for His faithfulness and how we are learning to be more “Radically” dependent on Him.

Brad Farnsworth, Core Church at Aspen Creek. . . We baptized 4 new people, including a mother and her two children.

Steve Brown, Cleveland. . . We had a great October. Each week the services seemed to build a stronger sense of the Holy Spirit as people were praying and fasting leading up to the revival services and continued throughout the month. We had several people seeking sanctification during different nights of the revival. Many were challenged to spend more time in prayer for our community. We had an average attendance of 38 each night and many from the Pawhuska church made the trip each night to attend. I really believe that God wants to do great things on the NW Zone and throughout the NEO district. The excitement of revival has encourage many and challenged all to live a more holy and surrendered life.

Larry Allen, Bristow. . .  We had our second annual Fall Festival a few days ago. We had music, a power team called Radical U-Turn, food, games for the kids, etc. We had over 150 people attend and the great news is that 30 people gave their life to Christ. One of the power teams mother came and was saved. Several new people to our church came forward and so did other members of their family that attended our church for the first time. The Holy Spirit was in attendance and the prayers and planning of our people were rewarded  greatly. It was a powerful night of fun, fellowship and God. We had two new families show up that were looking for a church and we are praising God for his goodness.

Georgina Lopez, Cielos Abiertos. . .  Four people were saved this month.

Yalmi Izaguirre, Regency Park Hispanic. . . We had a Friend Day with a good attendance.

Gordon Mote in Concert
November 10, 6pm

Prayer for NewStart Opportunity

As we are seeking God’s direction regarding a re-start of a Nazarene Church near Tulsa University, God is calling us to pray! Would you like to join others in prayer for this need? A weekly prayer meeting will be held on Tuesdays at 6:30pm at former Tulsa First Church, 2744 E. 12th Street. Or you can pray wherever you are. Join us in praying for God’s direction and timing. Contact Dianna Potter, for information or to confirm your willingness to join the prayer team.

November 8-9

Vibrant Church Seminar for Hispanic Leaders
Dr. Stan Toler, presenter 

Thursday, November 21, 2013
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Heritage Room of the Webster Commons
On the Campus of Southern Nazarene University

*a step-by-step plan for bringing your church to life!
*presented in both Spanish and English
*no cost to attend, but pre-registration is required and space is limited
*register by contacting Patti Lopez
or 405-632-3307

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