Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dear NEO Family,

We just finished the 2011-12 Church Year and we have much to be thankful for. At our Assembly on June 4 we will take time to hear words of thanksgiving from each pastor and church and from the District Leadership for God’s guidance and provision. Homecoming is going to be great. Don’t miss it!

NEO Homecoming, June 2-4 & 9, 2012
Tulsa Central

June 2 — School of Stewardship
9:00am-4:00pm — Dr. Mark Lail, Director of Stewardship Ministries, will teach pastors, church treasurers, finance committee and board members to build more and better givers by developing a culture of holy generosity. The session will be practical, motivational, and fun.

June 3 & 4 — 61st Annual District Assembly
Sunday 5:00pm — Registration. Delegates pick up packets.
6:00pm — A Celebration of Mission and Ministry. Dr. Stan Toler preaching. Ordination of three ministers, recognition of those getting District license for first time, honoring retiree, and more.
Monday 8:30am-5:00pm — NEO family business with Dr. Stan Toler, General Superintendent, presiding and preaching; District Superintendent Dr. Dave McKellips’ Annual Report; Sixty-one 61-second reports to the Assembly–Lead pastors, District Leaders; SNU luncheon for Lead Pastors, SNU Trustees and DAB; SNU report by Dr. Loren Gresham; Zone prayer; leadership teaching by Dr. Toler; Q&A time with Dr. Toler.

June 9 — Youth and Missions Conventions
8:30am – Registration
9:30am – Service for all ages. Worship led by youth worship band; Message by Dr. Daniel Ketchum, Global President, Nazarene Missions International.
11:00am – NMI and NYI Business Meetings
12:30pm – Lunch. NMI Delegates and friends will have box lunch, $7 each. NYI will have lunch for all of their delegation.
1:30pm — NMI Workshops/Inspiration & NYI Service Projects

Please bring peanut butter or jelly for Manna House.
For additional details, visit www.neonaz.com

Our churches do a great job every year in giving generously to others. Most have already met their giving goals for 2011-12. Some are making the last payments to meet all goals. Thanks for your commitment to the global team!

In case you missed the word, the formulas for our giving goals have been changed for the new church year: " By decision of the USA National Board, the percentages for P&B and EDU have been adjusted to 2.25% each, effective for the 2012-2013 assembly year. Churches will be in full support if their WEF is 5.5%, P&B is 2.25% and EDU is 2.25% of their adjusted income (below line 30) less amounts given to WEF (line 31) and Mission Specials (line 32). For complete information regarding the funding plan, approved unanimously by the 2010 General Board and USA National Board, visit www.fundingthemission.org.  District users should have access to the general website, to the application containing a church contributions summary, and, as long as churches report their income, their progress towards allocations."

PASTOR and Treasurers: If you have not begun to use the fundingthemission.org site to report income at least monthly, PLEASE DO SO now. This will assist greatly the ministry of the District to you and will make your accounting of giving goals much easier!!

April NEO Statistical Leaders

I Want to Celebrate. . . 

David Stevens, Vinita. . . Another great month to close out the year. Thank God for great people. He is blessing us and helping us.

Joel Heid, Dewey. . . Answer to prayer.  One of our members was admitted to the hospital.  He had pneumonia and high fever.  We were in a board meeting on Thursday night when we got a call that his family had been asked to come, for they did not expect him to live through the night.  We stopped our board meeting and all went to the hospital.  It was past visiting hours so we used the service elevator and ten of us got around his bed and prayed and sang hymns.  My dad died last year and this man looked just like him physically -   laboring to breath; involuntary movements; and they said his organs were being poisoned (sepsis?).  After we prayed and sang over him he came out of an almost comatose state and said, “Hi, what is going on?”  Ten minutes after we left, his fever broke -- the fever they tried breaking all day.  We rejoice that God has spared him and answered our concerted prayer!  The whole hospital wing has been talking about it! He is home now and taking it easy. God is glorified when we seek Him together!

Don Engie, Grove Lakewood. . . God is working here! We have started a prayer service on Sunday nights – focused on praying for the church, God’s direction here, the lost around us, and that God would help us reach them for the Glory of God. We have also been spending a lot of time praying for workers for the harvest. After posting some needs on the Nazarene Job Board, we have received resumes from people praying about coming to help in some areas we really need workers.

We are also starting ministries focused on outreach – including collecting clothes for a transitional living facility in the area. We are also starting a free clothes and food closet focused on helping the grandparents in the area who are taking care of their grandkids.

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life. . . We finished the 10-week 10/10/10 Challenge.  For the past 10 weeks 65 people committed to spending 10 minutes a day in prayer, 10 minutes a day in the Word, and increasing their giving(with an 10% increase of their current giving being the benchmark).  Several people have reported how this challenge has blessed them and their family and has caused them to become more dependent upon God.  One family reported that they had never tithed before.  They had only put in "a ten or twenty" at times when the plate was passed.  They began to tithe and during the course of their 10/10/10 commitment the husband and wife experienced a 47% pay increase.  Now they are giving more!  That's what it's all about!  We truly can't out give God!

Carl Brown, Hominy. . . The love of God that is alive in our Church and we have come together to help others with hope, finances, and support in difficult times. We are making plans to do more community outreach. We have had a great end year with a Great Easter Attendance of 112 and a Singspiration and Pastor Celebration on the 22nd with 105 in attendance. God is moving and we are holding on for at great events that are to come.

Larry Allen, Bristow. . . Received three new members in April.

Brad Farnsworth, Connection. . . Third largest attendance on Easter Sunday of 205; Kid City (children’s ministry) continues to grow; held a very successful block party on April 1 with over 300 present.

Steve Davis, Sapulpa. . . 4 out of 5 Sundays in April were over 200 in attendance. Increase in first-time guests. God’s provision is being seen. Greater unity in the body. Moving of God’s Holy Spirit in our services.

Scott Behm, Chelsea. . .
Our church has amazing unity; we had 100 % affirmation in member voting for all positions in our annual meeting. We elected a new NYI President with our new emphasis to train our teens to participate actively in leading themselves.  Together we are setting up a new teen leadership council under the new President. Our Easter attendance was the highest AM worship attendance for the year.  We had an Easter egg hunt for the children and Linda Heriford led a wonderful music filled emphasis in our morning worship service.  We had a wonderful father/daughter duet provided by Larry Couch and Stacie Shrier. Our teens have been studying Hebrews and 1st and 2nd Peter, on Wednesday nights we have been enjoying a fun "teens versus the church” quizzing type challenge. New families are starting to participate actively in the life of the church. We have high expectations for the coming church year and for what the Lord will do in our church.

Already over 700 people have registered for Extravaganza, the regional gathering of youth on the campus of SNU for fun sports, talent, and quizzing competition on May 25 – 28. Extravaganza will also include some awesome times of worship and opportunities for students to experience God through services designed to reach and teach them with special guests One Time Blind and Bailey!

Whether you go to Extravaganza or not, the entire NEO family is invited to join the Extravaganza folks for Nazarene Night at Frontier City (theme park) on May 26. You can find details and registration info at www.snuextravaganza.com .

Pawhuska Seeking a Youth Band

Pawhuska is hosting a Father's Day Outreach event on Saturday June 16th from 11am to 4pm with Food, Fun for the whole family, Live Music, and all for free. They are looking for a youth band that could play for a love offering and who would appeal to a younger crowd. They already have a country/western/gospel group playing a couple of sets, and maybe a contemporary group, but want a group of young people to "spice it up." If anybody can help, call Pastor Jim at 918-287-3906.

Grace and peace,

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