Thursday, November 3, 2011

Horn of Africa Famine Response

The District Advisory Board challenged every church to receive an offering to help our brothers and sisters in the Horn of Africa. We urged you to try to send $1 per member and the District would match it up to $5000. As of Nov. 2, nine churches have submitted their offerings totaling $5344.66! We thank you for this generous response and the District has already sent in our matching offering. Sapulpa and Horton Chapel are leading the way in money given per attendee with $2,987.35 and $500 respectively.

October District Leaders

I Want to Celebrate. . .

Gerald Burch, Coweta Point of Grace. . . Purchase of property across the street from the church for future growth – paid in full. New sign should be up in November.

David Stevens, Vinita. . . October is one of those months that is low in attendance at Vinita. However, our service yesterday (last Sunday of October) was one of the best services we’ve ever had. God’s presence was so powerfully evident that I am humbled by His faithfulness. People are growing in grace and faith. It is an honor to serve the Lord.

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection. . . Record attendance of 210 on Grand Opening date!

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life. . . God's continued outpouring of His Shekinah Glory in our midst!  Where His Glory dwells, life change has to happen.  And we are seeing it in our people.  It's all about Him and His Glory!

Joel Heid, Dewey. . . I want to celebrate... That prayer continues to be our focus.  Not prayer in and of itself, but prayer that is Biblical, lead of the Spirit of God, emphasizing faith and seeking the mind and will of God.  We are finishing with Daniel Henderson’s “Fresh Encounter’s” seminar and it is helping us to discover what is in the heart of God about genuine prayer, and it is helping us to be positive and dream about all God’s possibilities among us.  We know we must persevere in this, and resolve to keep asking, seeking, and knocking.   Also, we appreciate the Pastor’s Discovery weekend and the helpful focus that our Disitrct and denomination have taken in equipping and encouraging pastors in ministry.

Steve Davis, Sapulpa. . .
  • 10 attended Prayer Conference in Fort Worth
  • Repeat new attendees finding a home here
  • Greater unity in the body
  • Three new adult small group studies
  • Great fall children’s outreach
  • Moving of God’s Holy Spirit in our services
Monty Nichols, Muskogee. . . A successful Trunk or Treat!  Lots of our people came and set up and filled our parking lot, and we saw over 500 children, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and friends come through the event.  What an awesome experience to ‘give a piece of candy in Jesus’ Name!  Thanks to our people who came to volunteer their time and ‘trunk’ for this awesome event!  And Kudos to Diana Mueller, our Children’s Director who coordinated the event.

Dan Hazelton, Pryor. . . We had over 300 children at our Trunk or Treat. Drive Thru Prayer has allowed us to pray with people that have never entered our church and one person was saved and is attending church regularly.

James Wilson, Pawhuska. . . Gave Aid to 4 families this month, including a mother and infant coming out of a domestic violence situation. Have had an average of 16 children in children’s church this month, most of whom come from unchurched homes. Giving is up and we are making pleasing progress on our budgets.

Scottie Behm, Chelsea. . . Our church celebrated Pastor appreciation by hosting a surprise dinner to coincide with the 1-year anniversary of our being called to the church.  What a wonderful group of people we have in this congregation; Sarah and I are so blessed to have the opportunity to share God’s love together with them.

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills. . . The Bridge with SOCO seems to be going well.  Doug and I will evaluate it more this month.

5:00 - 8:00 PM

 Check out for directions and site information 


Did you see the article about in the Tulsa World about more than 200 East Indian girls whose names mean "unwanted" in Hindi choosing new names for a fresh start in life? The 285 girls - wearing their best outfits with barrettes, braids and bows in their hair - lined up to receive certificates with their new names along with small flower bouquets from Satara district officials in Maharashtra state. One 15 year old who chose a name meaning "prosperity, beautiful and good" said, "Now in school, my classmates and friends will be calling me this new name, and that makes me very happy."

Aren't you glad that as a believer in Christ you get a new name? Your name used to be "unwanted", "unlovable" or "failure". Before you could chose Him, the God of the universe  sought you, loved you, redeemed you and claimed you as His own. Our your new name can be "adopted, loved, accepted, beautiful, good and righteous". A new name, a new identity, a new lifestyle and a new hope is our through Christ! And we have the joy of helping others receive a new name through Christ. What could be more fulfilling and gratifying!

Praise be to God!

Grace and peace,

Coweta Point of Grace Homecoming

November 6
10:45 AM Service with Gary Nagle / Luncheon
6 PM Concert with Donnie Sumner 


November 13th
Central Church
75th Anniversary

November 20th
Owasso Silver Creek
80th Anniversary

New Arrivals!
Carson Paul & Natalie Grace Clark

Grandparents Lowell & Marilyn Clark celebrated twin grandbabies on October 28. Carson weighed in at 6 lbs, 1 oz and Natalie at 5 lbs, 8 oz.

Sunnie Marie Isaacs

Parents Jason & Chrissy Isaacs welcomed their daughter on October 28. She weighed 8 lbs, 6 oz.

Gage Douglas Gunsalus

Parents Doug & Lecia Gunsalus welcomed their son on November 2.  He weighed 6 lbs., 13 oz., 19" long, and "is perfect" according to Doug!

Congratulations to all!

Date Change
Please adjust your calendar for the dates of our NYI Winter Retreat. It will be held Feb. 3-5, 2012 at New Life Ranch

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