Thursday, July 14, 2011


Dr. McKellips and all of NEO,
On behalf of my teammates, Ryan Amey and Kelsey Hendrix, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of NEO for all the time, money and prayer given to make NEO NYIs NYC experience a success.

 Truthfully, I was disheartened by the lower attendance from our district and throughout the US and Canada for NYC.  However, as we started the trip, it was evident that something social was going to happen.

 On our way out of town, we had a 3 hour delay that was the bus company's fault.  A late arrival by the bus was compounded with the sending of the wrong bus.  But 12 hours later, we were together in Louisville, KY and the place was buzzing with anticipation.

 We came out of the gates with an incredible party thrown by SNU's admissions team.  People were leaving other university parties to come to ours.  When we left, the whole of all the other universities were tearing down and no one except SNU was there.  It was one of the single best events I have attended in my decade of doing youth ministry.

This was followed up by an early morning for our ministry with others project.  NEO was split into three groups.  2 groups worked with the boys and girls clubs painting and cleaning, while another group spent time working with a group called beading for autism.  It was great to be a part of such big ministry team doing so much in a short amount of time.

It was at that point that we ran head first into a very well planned conference that felt more like church than a conference.  Each speaker took us through part of a journey that prepared us for a calling.  Each piece of the puzzle started to fall into place and the journey from creation to brokenness to resurrection and the calling for each of us to be a part of unbreaking our world was tread by everyone there. 

While it was fun for us to share about our favorite moments from the conference, the truth is that the whole of NYC will stick out in our minds as a moment in time where God was especially close.

The culmination of this event was when our district took the opportunity for a debrief.  We worshipped together and then had a testimony time.  Ryan Amey started the evening off right by sharing his heart.  The flood gates opened up.

Over the next 3 hours, students shared what God was doing in their lives.  We laughed and cried.  People shared of moments of transformation, and several shared of callings on their lives to ministry!

Maybe the theme of our time together than night was God healing hurt on an individual level.  It was hard for me and I am sure the rest of the sponsors to hear these young people describe the pain that they had suffered through their lives, the loss of value, and the personal heartache. 

But!  And I use this word with an exclamation!  God broke through the pain and healed students and gave them value again!  There were at least 35 students who shared and I will tell you that not a one of them ended on a bad note.  The story shared time and time again was that God broke through this week and healed wounds!  Praise his name!

As they were sharing, I was reminded of several of the speakers and how each of them hit on a point, possibly even unintentionally.  One talked of the tree of life, and I was reminded of the sin that stripped the life out of there tree and brought death.  Sin and darkness ensued.

But when you fast forward, Jesus is crucified on a dead tree and brings life through it!  This is what God does!  It is him MO.  Get ready, when things look gloomy, God begins to show up and provide life.  The things that are dead and in jeopardy of being used in a mighty way by the life giver!

Ryan concluded our time together with a stirring and inspired calling to our youth to go out and spread the fire that had been given to them.  He called us to unite and be one.  And as I stood back, I could only see one body of believers.

May the light of God come to our churches through our youth and may they ignite us once again.

Praise God for NYC and for our wonderful leadership for paving the way for this incredible event that continues to bring us face to face with God almighty.

Doug Gunsalus
Lead Pastor
South County Community Church

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