Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer." John Bunyon

Dear NEO family,

Greetings in the strong name of Jesus. Many Christian communities around the world observe the seven weeks prior to Holy Week each year for times of reflecting on the events leading to the Passion of Jesus. "Lent" is the name given to this time of remembering. In one Oklahoma church, the leaders have asked all attendees to commit to four personal disciplines during these seven weeks--(1) Attend Worship weekly; (2) Attend a Sunday School class weekly; (3) Participate in a small group meeting each week; and (4) Engage in a personal devotional time daily. I wonder if you would accept this challenge.
We are one week into Lent. I pray that it is already becoming a meaningful journey with Jesus towards the cross. I am especially thrilled for all those, like me, who are using the “Ashes to Fire” resources. Let’s swap prayers and stories of how God is at work within our churches.

Rev. Mito Marroquin has resigned as pastor of Regency Park Iglesia del Nazareno but will be staying in the area and get involved in another Nazarene church. Pray for Mito and Nina during this time of transition and for our Hispanic Director, Otoniel Dannemann, as he finds interim and long term leadership for this church.

Thanks be to God for gifted and godly interim pastors!. Last Sunday I was in Muskogee where John and Glinda Williamson are serving during the time of pastoral transition; next Sunday I will be in Cleveland where Henry and Bess Reed have been serving for several months. Both church boards speak in glowing terms of their interim leadership. The same is true at Tulsa Central where Bob and Libby Huffaker are serving, at Dewey where Al and Phyllis Rathbun have served since October and Grove where Gerald and Joy MacDonald will be serving for at least a year. We are blessed by the wonderful service of these pastors and spouses.

Thank You Celebration. Some of the churches which were birthed by Central Church over the years asked Pastor Bob Huffaker about coming together in a service to praise God for what He has done through the vision and passion Central has had for reaching the unchurched through NewStarts. The service is planned for this Sunday, March 20, 6pm in the worship center at Central. Any of the District family is invited to join Family Church, Connection Church and SoCo Church, along with Central Church, in the music and celebration.

When Tsunamis Invade Our Lives by H. B. London
In light of all that has happened in Japan recently, questions may begin to arise in our minds, such as: Where is God? What is to blame? Where do we go from here? In these situations, many times, all we can do is "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Prov. 3:5). Below is an excerpt from my new devotional book, Pause — Recharge — Refresh, that might help.


How do you explain sadness? How do you make sense out of suffering? Why are we so surprised when evil triumphs? Why do bad things happen to good people? So many questions — so few answers.

I don't begin to understand how God works, but I do know He is always love. Kenneth Samples wrote, "While God's universe is majestic and eloquently designed to provide humankind with a fine habitat on Earth, it can also be a powerfully dangerous place at times."

So often in trials, we have a tendency to say, "Where is God?" The answer is not a simple one, but from His Word there is comfort amidst the suffering: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you" (Isaiah 43:2). The psalmist writes, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam. ... The Lord Almighty is with us" (Psalm 46: 1-3, 7). Where there is no answer, there comes this word from our loving Lord: "Trust me."

I don't understand God's ways, but I trust Him. I remember reading once where C. S. Lewis, in deep despair over the loss of his wife, cried out to God, "Why?" The answer he received was, "Son, even if I could explain it to you, you would not understand. It would be like attempting to teach physics to a four-year-old." We just trust Him — even when the answers don't always emerge!

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, 'You are my God'" (Psalm 31:14).

Call to Prayer
The Church of the Nazarene's Board of General Superintendents, while scattered in global assignments and ministry, is issuing a call to prayer for the people of Japan. As the church journeys through the season of Lent, anticipating the memorial of the Lord's crucifixion and the glorious message of His resurrection, believers know God is present in times of suffering. Prayers invoke the mercy, grace, and compassion of the Savior on behalf of all those affected by this disaster.

The Church asks Nazarenes everywhere to pause and pray on behalf of the Japanese people, and provide assistance if possible. For information on how you can help through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries go to .

Dates to make sure you have on your calendar:
Men’s Bass Fishing Tournament, March 19
Children’s “Fun” Bible Quiz, April 3, 3- 5pm, Regency Park
Kids Mission Day w/ Beverly Gruver, April 9
Close Statistical Year, April 24
Annual Pastor’s Reports Due, May 2
NYI Extravaganza, May 27 - 29
NEO Homecoming 2011, June 4 – 6, Central
    NMI Convention, June 4, 10am – 4pm
    NYI Convention, June 4, 10am – 4pm
    Opening Service of Assembly, June 5, 6pm
    District Assembly, June 6, 8:30am - ?
    Ordination Service, June 6, 7pm
Nazarene Youth Conference, Louisville, July 5 – 10
NEO Kidz Kamp at Sky Ranch, July 14 – 17
Youth Camp at Camp Bond, July 22 – 25
Ministers and Mates Retreat, August 26 – 28, Branson Hilton on the Promenade

You are loved!
Dave McKellips

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