Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear NEO family,

I was in Colorado Springs this week for the Trustees Meeting of Nazarene Bible College. President Harold Graves is doing an wonderful job leading our college and NBC continues to do an outstanding job of helping ministers in training. Harold and Cheryl send greetings.

Barbara Hornbeck Welch, who has been our NBC Board Secretary, but has stepped down because of a brain tumor, gave a devotional for us on “Peace Like a River”. She attributed some of the thoughts to Beth Moore, who reminds us that a river is a moving stream of water. God’s Word doesn’t say “peace like a pond.” It is a peace when life twists, turns, rolls over rocks and cliffs and through narrow places. The peace comes from our continuous connection with the One who is the source of peace as we move through the current of life. Aren’t you thankful to be connected to the Prince of Peace? I sure am.

Tomorrow is the District Work Project at Miami. You are invited to join the crew for work in their new multi-purpose facility. Approximately 25 – 30 workers are needed. Work will start at 8:30 am and continue through the OU/Texas game, which will be on the big screen, along with snacks, beverages and good fellowship. Call Jerry Wilburg at 918-607-8561 if you need transportation from the Tulsa area.

Pastor Brian Loderhose from Owasso Silver Creek had surgery on his knee on Wednesday and is still planning on being a part of the work crew at Miami tomorrow and going on a Work and Witness trip to the Dominican Republic in two weeks. These NEO Nazarenes are tough!

October is Clergy Appreciation Month. I trust that every local church will take time to recognize the contribution your pastor, your staff and their families make in the local church.

Pastor John Whitsett has resigned at Tulsa Central. His last Sunday will be October 31. Let’s pray for Pastor John and Angie and the Central family during this time of transition.


Carl Brown, Hominy… How good God in and He is truly working in Hominy Church of the Nazarene. God has been busy in Hominy we have had a tremendous Sunday School Drive and have seen a great answer to the call to come with an increase in attendance that was fantastic. We have had three people baptized and lives changed. We cannot wait to see what He has in store for our future – God Is In Control!

Cole Weston, Okmulgee…• The completion of our “Right Now” series
• A good turn out for our Romans Bible Study

Jim Thornton, Tulsa Hills... Started 3 new Connection Groups; Two people from my work have started coming to church; Raised $1000 towards NYC at desert auction

Casey Hollingsworth, Miami New Life… Had 14 men from our church attend our church’s second annual men’s retreat at Branson, MO. God did some amazing things during our weekend retreat. Many giants were conquered with God’s power leading the way. Am looking forward to seeing the fruits of God’s work in the life of these 14 men.

John Whitsett, Tulsa Central… A wonderful third installment of Serve People Sunday on September 19. For those that participated, it was a wonderful expression of God’s Kingdom in action. Also, a powerful sense of God’s presence in our services in spite of the tension in the congregation.

Angela Bentley, Bristow… the love of the Lord as seen in our people as they love others in very tangible ways and get more involved in the ministries of the church. I also want to celebrate the very successful launch of our new Caravan program. We have already had family members of new children visit our Sunday morning services. Our current SS/discipleship numbers are higher than our morning averages because we are ministering to two different groups of people weekly.

Randy Schuneman, Bartlesville… We have hired a new Children’s worker Jan Wilton from Arizona. Jan and her husband Bob will first Sunday will be October 17th. All of us are very excited to have them join the team!

Brad Farnsworth, BA Connection…9 Salvations and 7 baptisms on 2nd Birthday Bash, Sept. 12, Record attendance of 180 on 2nd Birthday Bash

Jason Powers, Tahlequah… Sunday night we have started the "Truth Project" from Focus on the Family...we have been having awesome attendance of around 35, with a high of 38! We also would like to share we have had three people saved, two teenage girls and a 7 year old girl! God is doing some amazing work! The girls names are: Chelsie, Taylor and Hope! Please pray for them and us as we disciple them. By the way, the 7 year old Hope is my daughter. We were working in the sanctuary arranging chairs etc. and she was crying by herself and we were wondering what happened. She had been singing with the mic, some iWorship praise songs with the dvd/projector...She told mom, "mom, would you forgive me for all the bad things I've done...I asked Jesus too!" Wow!!! how cool is that?

Steve Davis, Sapulpa… The kick-off of reading through “the Bible in 90 Days” New Bible studies for men and women

David Stevens, Vinita… God has been with us and blessed our services. We are praying for Revival in our Church. We have a Spiritual Renewal Weekend planned with Dr. H. David McKellips October 8-10.

Nate Burns, Owasso Silver Creek... We had a great family camp at MarVal Ranch, over 70 people joined us during the weekend! We also had a great yard sale and pancake breakfast for our Work & Witness team to the Dominican Republic, we almost raised $1000. And our new Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting is making a difference!

Dan Hazelton, Pryor... I want to celebrate... three adult new believers that are in the 8 week follow-up study. Five students accepting the Lord or making a new commitment to be Christ-followers. The church supporting a trip to Mexico for work & witness. New believer working with children on Wednesday nights.

NEO Leaders in September, 2010

Sunday School/ Discipleship Attendance Growth over Sept., 2009
1. Sapulpa +50
2. Broken Arrow First +33
3. Bristow+14
4. Sand Springs +14
5. Tulsa Central +13
6. Tulsa Hills +9
7. Pawhuska +7
8. Miami New Life +6
9. Pryor +6
10. Cushing +5, Horton Chapel +5, Fe y Esperanza +5

Worship Service Attendence Growth
1. Broken Arrow Connection +20
2. Wagoner +17
3. Sand Springs +16
4. Drumright +10
5. Hominy +10
6. Pryor +6
7. Tulsa First +6
8. Fe y Esperanza +5
9. Okmulgee +5
10. Sapulpa +5, Tulsa Central +5

Pastors also share with me what they are doing to be a High Impact Church. Let me share what two shared this week:
Tulsa Hills - Encouraging everyone to get involved in “1X3” One worship service, One Discipleship Group, One Area of Ministry; Faith in Action Sunday, October 10

Sand Springs - We are gearing up for our new Sunday night ministry - Sunday Night Life. SNL begins Sunday, October 10th and features music, lesson, drama, games, crafts, food and more. Our mission is to bring kids K-6 and their families to come worship and discover together life in Jesus Christ. This is an all hands on deck ministry that incorporates all ages in our congregation to help with activities, administration, preparation, food, cleaning, teaching, music, prayer and outreach. We are excited and praying that lives will be changed through this ministry!

It is great to be a part of the NEO family!

Grace and peace (like a river),

Dave McKellips

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